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Programmes Organized
Programmes Participated by Faculty Members
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
YEAR Dates Title of the professional development program organised for teaching staff No. of participants
2020-2021 22.02.2021 to 26-02-2021 AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy sponsored online Five days FDP on Block Chain  organized by Department of CSE,SAEC 84
14.12.2020 to 29.12.2020 AICTE Sponsored Online Two weeks FDP on Ideas and Innovations in Blockchain Architecture technology and its Research Applications - Phase - II organized by Department of CSE,SAEC 113
16.11.2020 to 29.11.2020 AICTE Sponsored Online Two weeks FDP on Ideas and Innovations in Blockchain Architecture technology and its Research Applications - Phase - I organized by Department of CSE,SAEC 129
01-07-2020 to 06-07-2020 Six days  Online FDP on PHP nadMysql ,QIC 355
06-07-2020 to 11-07-2020 Six Days on line FDP on Java,QIC 455
2019-2020 22-06-20 to 27-06-2020 Six days  online FDP on Python 3.4.3,QIC 418
29-6-20 to 5-07-20 One Week FDP on Future of education and Resarch,CSE 120
2018-2019 5-12-2018 to 11-12-2018 One Week FDP on Search Engine Optimization,CSE 13
06-5-2019 to 11-5-2019 One Week FDP on Object Oriented Programming in MVC Architecture,CSE 13
06-06-2019 to 12-06-2019 One Week FDP on Scope of Block Chain in Future,CSE 13
2017-2018 6-12-2017 to 12-12-2017 One Week FDP on Introduction to 5G Technologies,CSE 16
9-5-2018 to 15-05-2018 One Week FDP on Big Data and its research Needs,CSE 16
02-05-2018 to 8-5-2018 One Week FDP on Cloud Computing and its Applications,CSE 16
2016-2017 01-02-2017 to 23-06-2017 Longterm Course
on Python by Spoken
Tutorial Team,IIT Bombay
01-02-2017 to 23-06-2017 Longterm Course
on Scilab by Spoken
Tutorial Team,IIT Bombay